Sunday, June 10, 2007

Loving This

I want to preface this post by reiterating that I have a weakness for celebrity gossip.
As I got my haircut yesterday morning, my hairdresser, Marcy, and I discussed at length Paris Hilton. I feel dirty just typing those two names on my blog, but I am too full of malicious glee to stop myself.

SHUT UP! How priceless is that photo! I saw it on Friday and hooted with laughter. Justice is sweet! When a waste of skin and total boor doesn't get her way and then is photographed crying like that, life is great. It restores my faith in humanity to see Paris locked back up in the clink and for the full sentence.
Am I crossing a line if I hope she can't take life behind bars and chooses to hang herself instead? Meh, I thought so.
Maliciously Yours,


Megan said...

Boo hoo! Boo hoo!

Can we nominate that judge for sainthood? I'm pretty sure Cindy knows the rules for that sort of thing.

Anonymous said...

I have a hard time blaming P.H.totally, as she is a product of her upbringing and they should be sharing a fair amount of the blame/shame . The girl needs to be taught how to behave in public and the real world, in order to survive before turning into a nut case. Cut her at least a 5% slack

Anonymous said...

Sluts get no slack. Ever.

Cin said...

The judge needs to die first, then we can start his official cause.;-)