Friday, June 22, 2007

Screwing the Pooch

This is how I spent my Friday afternoon...

You know how it is at a job you're leaving. You just came back from lunch, it's a sunny Friday afternoon, you're excited about plans for the evening, you're winding down your current job. The last thing you want to be mucking with are letters. So you find ways to entertain yourself. I just happened to enterain myself by Photoshopping my boss' head on David Hasselhoff's body. What's the harm in that? It's not like I have a million pressing projects to finish.
Wastingly Yours,


recipsn said...

I love how creative you are. You have shown that you are not just creative with words (of which you have oddles of talent)but now you are creative with pictures. You are great!!!

Megan said...

Man, I thought David Hasselhoff's hairy body couldn't get any sexier, and then you stick a Catholic do-gooder's head on it...I suppose you're qualified to tell me how many times I need to say the rosary now, right?

Stacey and Trevor said...

Excellent work during your last week. Keep it up!