Monday, June 4, 2007

Oh, for the love of Jesus, shut up!

For god's sake, Rebecca Eckler, drop dead! Really, I think we've all had enough of your gal-about-town, look-at-me-I'm-pregnant schtick! Are you really that self-absorbed to think that a movie ripped off your life? Are you the only woman to ever find herself pregnant unexpectedly? And just because you happened to write a book about it, and someone made a movie about a similar, and may I add ficticious, event, does not mean you have sole rights to that story. If that was the case, darling, there would only be one book about a bored housewife, instead of the volumes written and hours of movies filmed since Madame Bovary.

Are you really that self-obsessed to think that a big Hollywood writer and a huge movie studio would rip the likes of you off? Really? You're going to go there? Becuase, if you think about it, Becka, you were a so-so "lifestyle" writer for the National Post. And you happened to have enough moxie to work that mediocrity into a book that not many cared about. So to flatter yourself into thinking that Judd Apatow and the movie execs saw your trifling book and thought to themselves "this is incredibly fresh and must be made into a movie" is sad on your part. Because I can guaran-fricking-tee they did not.

The wheel you did not invent. You just put new treads on it and wore the wheel out... again.

Loathingly Yours,


Megan said...


I thought this might be a joke, but then I went to the link. This isn't a late April Fool's Day joke is it? Because if it's not, it should be.

I despise Ickler. I can't believe she is so self-absorbed. Excuse me while I vomit.

Megan said...

Wait a minute. I think the movie ripped off MY life!!!

I was an up-and-coming radio reporter when I unexpectedly discovered I was pregnant! I had a lot of emotions! The movie's about me! I want in on this lawsuit!

Heck, where's Cindy? She did tons of stories about pregnancy, so I think she should be part of this too.

(Parenthetically, do people actually call THEMSELVES "up-and-coming" anything? Isn't that supposed to be a label that someone else puts on you, like "self-absorbed psychobitch"?)