Saturday, April 17, 2010

Book Review - "The Bishop's Man"

It was a frustrating read.

Before Christmas, I bought Linden MacIntyre’s book “The Bishop’s Man”. I just got around to reading it the other week, after all my reserved books from the library came and went. (Loved “Galore”, adored “The Birth House”, sent packing early “A Sea of Poppies”.) I cracked MacIntyre’s book, expecting an astonishing book and one that would leave me thinking for days.

Yeah, I thought about it. I thought it was frustrating to read this book. And not because of the subject – Catholic priests diddling children and the aftermath in small-town Nova Scotia. It was frustrating to read because the book had so many twisting plot lines and it was all left hanging for you until the final 10 pages. The whole time I was reading it, I hoped the next chapter would explain who the frig Father Alphonso is. Or why Father MacAskill doesn’t like his father. Or who the hell is Brendan Bell. All the while, I was left reading about Father MacAskill’s drinking problem.

When I finished the book last night, the final sentence read “Wondering what might be going on”. Indeed, Linden, indeed. I want my 30 bones back. This was a library-loaner, not a library-builder.

Bookishly Yours,


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