Monday, November 10, 2008


My friend, Tasha has had this happen to her many times, but until today I thought she was nuts. I never believed that people would blatantly butt in line. I saw a woman butt in line behind me at Starbucks this morning. Thankfully, she butted behind me, otherwise I would have gotten all indignant-snotty on her. And it wasn't even a butt in front of two people, no. She butted in front of at least 12 people, in a line that snaked out the door!

And no one said a word.

I stood there waiting, and could see her taking her coat off at a table. Then, she appeared next to me, with a look on her face like she was in the right. I looked at her, looked at the people behind me, looked at her again. I thought maybe she was with the group behind me, but no. She inched up beside me, and I relished the idea for a brief moment of going all bitch-face on her ass and telling her where the line ended, which was NOT beside me.

Where do people get this sense of importance? And why don't people tell these buttinskis that they're rude assholes? I've done it before when someone butts in front of me. And I love the "qui? moi?" expressions on their faces like they had no clue I was behind them.

By the time my drinks were made, Bitchface Buttinski had slurped back her coffee and was gone again.

Ashtonishingly Yours,

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