Monday, November 3, 2008

Blow this

Victoria is a lovely city. There are trees and flowers everywhere and even at its most urban core, there are still green spaces.

But it seems like the city just doesn't like the greenery. Or, to be more precise, the falling greenery. I have never seen a city battle with leaves like this one before. On my walk to work every morning, I pass the same few people armed with leaf blowers sending last summer's foliage to the curb. And they do this every morning. Just last week, I saw one guy aiming his blower AT the tree. Perhaps he was trying to cut back his work load the next day and get rid of any dangling leaves. I find it bizarre.

One guy blows his leaves with a white hazmat suit on, goggles and a gas mask. Yet when pedestrians pass, he doesn't point the leaf blower away from us. Instead, he blasts us with leaf mess and dust. I hate him.

In other cities, about this time of year, the leaves are the least of the city's problems. Snow is just around the corner. Oh, how I loved seeing the red and brown leaves poking up out of crispy snow. They sort of provided traction on the snow. Maybe since Victoria is void of snow altogether, we aren't able to cover up the leaves. So instead, we waste diesel or electricity blowing the ever-so-offensive leaves to curb. Or lane of traffic. Anywhere that is not sidewalk or lawn.

This place is weird.

Fallingly Yours,

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