Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Byron's Top Ten

Sure, every wife could go on about the wonderful man they married. But I have a blog, and I have proof that my husband is the best. To wit:

10. He lets me call him silly nicknames, such as Mr. Whiskers, and he doesn't get mad.
9. He eats whatever I make without complaining, even nasty chicken ratatouille. He even eats vegetables. A big bowl of spinach with some dressing on top? A snack for Mr. Whiskers.
8. Byron likes to vacuum. I hate to vacuum.
7. He's patient. I can ask him ten times if he likes dark chocolate and he patiently answers yes every single time.
6. He doesn't snore.
5. Byron has his temper under control. I have seen him yell once and that was at his uncle who totally deserved it. Now, if only he can teach me his zen ways...
4. He has a wickedly dry sense of humour. His giggles are worth sticking around for.
3. Byron loves me just as I am. Every inch of me. He doesn't ask for more or demand there be less.
2. Byron is a cuddler. His hugs are better than anything else in this world. His kisses are even better than that.
1. He came to see Jay-Z with me. He hates Jay-Z and rap music.

Can you beat that? Byron is a great husband, a good man and he'll be a great father someday.

I wonder if he likes dark chocolate?

Gushingly Yours,


Jane said...

May I add another thing about Byron? He is very smart! He is doing so well at school.

Anonymous said...

How could I not put his smarts on the list? You're right - he's doing really well in school. A 3.6 GPA in your first semester of school in 20 years is nothing to sneeze at.

I'm so proud of him!

Jane said...

I have another one! He's generous, too. And he takes care of his family. What are we up to now? 12? I'm sure the list will keep growing. The Salters love Kitty Whiskers!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you an write the follow-up... Sister-in-law's Top Ten for Mr. Moustache!

Anonymous said...

I think it's wonderful to see the love between a couple, and to feel your happiness. Good for you both!

Unknown said...

I'm glad you found your Mr. Right!
