Thursday, November 15, 2007

Bracing for Winter

It's my very fist winter in Victoria. I've been told there is practically no snow, and when there is some white stuff falling from the skies, the city shuts down. It does rain, though. They say it rains a lot, and it's gray everyday. And it's warm. I'm kind of looking forward to winter for a change.

Byron and I will be watching tv, and we'll see a clip of a snowstorm in the prairies. Or we'll be watchign the Weather Network (which, admittedly, we do a lot) and see that Edmonton is -3 that day while we are baking at +10. His dad always asks about the weather, his sister always tells us there's snow on the ground where she is. And we get kind of smug about it all.

But I have to admit, I think I might miss the snow. A bit. I miss that crisp chill in the air after a good snowfall. When the sidewalks are fluffly with white snow, and the sun is shining bright. It makes me want to go for a long walk and while a pot of homemade soup simmers. To see images of snow-covered trees and fields makes me yearn for big coats and hats and cuddle warm in my parka when it's cold outside.

It's weird to think that I'm not going to get that deep freeze this year. Instead, we'll be soggy and gray. I picture pruny skin and pasty cheeks - not the rosy ones of winter. But then I give my head a shake and remember the icy roads, the snowbanks to climb over, and the constant hat head.

You take the good, you take the bad, and there you have the facts of life.

Soggingly Yours,


Megan said...

This morning, the ice on my car windows was so thick I cracked my ice scraper. Give me pasty cheeks any day.

Anonymous said...

Fair enough. You win. But you know... you can come down for a visit anytime you need!