Friday, December 14, 2007

Flying High

Byron and I are flying home to Dartmouth this evening. I cannot wait! My family finally gets to meet Byron, we meet Nicole, Dave's girlfriend, we get to spend time with Jane and Craig. And, best of all, we will be there when Jane and Craig have their baby! They are due on Saturday, but there's no movement and Jane is asking for a c-section today. She'll go in early next week and have her baby. How exciting!

My birthday was earlier this week, and it was the best one ever. You know why? Byron. We didn't do anything spectacular, we went to dinner. He gave me incredibly thoughtful gifts, but being with him made turning 32 wonderful.

It's got me thinking... what a year. Quelle annee! This time last year, I was getting ready to go home for Christmas, to spend the holiday with my parents and Big Fat Blanche. No Jane, no Craig, no Dave or Nicole. I was alone, and single and sick of it. I was in a job that was somewhat satisfying, but with a manager who made me crazy, which deleted any and all job satisfaction. I also wasn't making good money. But that all changed in May.

I met Byron. We went out a few times, he went away for work. I went to Victoria for Stacey's wedding in June, had a job interview. He came home, I got the job in Victoria. I moved to Victoria, he came for a visit, we got engaged. He moved in with me in September, and the rest is history. I have never been so happy in all my life and I have Byron to thank for that. Byron and a really good job that I like and that pays me well. Well, my job blows sometimes, but it's all good, babies! I get to come home to an amazing man who is going to be my husband. The world can throw whatever garbage it wants to me - I end my day with Byron.

A lot can change in 12 months. When you think of the intricacies and surprises of life, you have a new appreciation of the world. I know I do.

Awe-struckingly Yours,

1 comment:

Megan said...

I'm very, very happy for you. Big hugs!