Monday, June 9, 2008

Don't. Just Don't

I loathe the phrase "You go, girl!". I hate it. It is a stupid phrase often muttered by middle aged hags who are trying really hard to be cool. Stop it right now. You look and sound ridiculous.

Whenever I hear that phrase, I immediately think of some divorcee or middle aged single woman in 1986 trying to establish her feminist street cred by boosting the morale of fellow females. In my mind, these women are wearing shades of peach and turquoise together, a power suit with giant shoulder pads, and glasses the size of dinner plates. You go, girl, indeed.

I was reading a blog this morning from a major newspaper, and in the comments section, some regular commentator wrote that phrase. The blog was about ... I have no idea. I forgot the point of the blog after I read that heinous phrase in the comments. That's how she started her comment.. "You go, girl!!!!!". And yes, there were copious amounts of exclamation points. Blech.

I am annoyed by many things, especially tacky phrases and the tacky people who use them. My fantasy today is to find a way to ban the use of ridiculous and overused phrases.

"Oh no you di-ihn't"ingly Yours,

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