Monday, July 21, 2008

The end of an era

I got a promotion at work a few weeks back. The "junior" got dropped off my title and I am now a "public affairs officer". It came with a nice raise, and a change of hours. A new junior has been hired and I am training her now. Which means I am off the 6 am shift soon. I should be high-kicking through the streets, but not so much.

I love getting into work and having complete silence. I find I get a lot of work done when there's no one around. More than that, I lovelovelove leaving at 2pm. Love it. The bus isn't as crowded when I take it to go to Curves, I have time left in my day for appointments or important and private phone calls to make at home. I love the quiet walk to work in the morning when the streets are empty and I can jaywalk everywhere. There's even a Starbucks open at that time of day so I can get my weekly treat on Friday morning. It's heaven.

What I will not miss is the 5am wake up. I won't miss feeling guilty about being awake at 10pm. I get to eat a decent breakfast at home. If I wake up sick, I no longer have to drag myself in, then spend the next 8 hours wondering if I am, in fact, sick enough to go home early. Now, I can just call in sick. It's been just over a year of this 6am shift, and while it feels like mine, I am not going to have a tough time leaving it.

Back to the land of the living!

Resurrectingly Yours,

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