Wednesday, July 9, 2008

No Kids Allowed

My friend Janet, who is getting married a few weeks before I am, posted this article on her blog. In it, she posts an article from the UK about the growing popularity of kid-free weddings. She's taken the stance that it's not nice to not invite kids. I disagree.

Our invitations were mailed yesterday. On the response card, you will notice at the bottom our respectful request to have a child-free wedding. We have our reasons, which are completely valid to us. And since this is our event, we feel we get to invite who we want. And we don't want kids.

Except for a major exception - my nephew who will be 9 months old by then. Since Jane and Craig are flying to Edmonton and know no one for child care, George has to be there. But again, he'll be 9 months old and when he gets noisy, I know Craig has the decency to remove him. I cannot say the same for other guests and their kiddly winks.

A couple who is invited has a child that is Satan's incarnate. He screams and throws tantrums and his parents think it's cute. We went out for dinner with them and the brat screeched during the whole meal, and his parents ignored our winces and comments about his noise. The only that seemed to pacify him was pouring the entire salt shaker on the table. It was lazy parenting. And I know if that kid was to come to our wedding, he would without a doubt starting wailing and screaming. I also know his parents would not have the decency to remove the child.

But here is my PC explanation. We're getting married at 5 pm. That's dinner time for most people. While adults can roll with it, kids cannot. And dinner won't be rolling around until at least 7 pm. Even though snacks will be provided at the hall, I doubt kids will like that. Since the wedding is taking place later in the day, parents will probably have to leave early with the kids, thus missing the festivities. So why not leave the kids with grandma and have some fun?

That's my opinion and it's my wedding. If you don't like it, you're likely not invited.

Invitingly Yours,


Megan said...

Michael says he's sorry about the salt.

Anonymous said...

As if you would let Michael behave like that! You're a good mother.

Anonymous said...

Do you remember Jude's wedding in the last Bridget novel? All you need is a soccer ball kicked down the aisle during the vows! Yikes!

Can I respectfully point out breastfeeding moms might have to choose between the wedding and their little ones? Not every baby will take a bottle, even with mama's milk in it.

In any case, it is certainly your wedding, and who comes is your decision.


Anonymous said...

No breastfeeding moms have been invited. I would not be bridezilla enough to forbid breastfeeding moms.
Babies are one thing, but small children acting like orangutans are another.