Monday, August 11, 2008

Differing Side of the Flame

My best friend Candie and I had a debate last night. It was one of those debates that ended with her asking how we are friends?! It's was about the Olympics.

Candie loves the Olympics and loves watching them. I hate the Olympics and thinks it's a colossal waste of time. Candie sees it as patriotism and the human spirit on display. She lives in Texas, and misses Canada so to her, a chance to get a glimpse of the Canadian flag on TV or even to hear the anthem means a lot to her.

But let's be real - the chances of her hearing the Canadian anthem at the Olympics is slim to nil. Don't you have to win a medal to have your national anthem played?

I think the Olympics are a waste of time and money. The money the federal government pumps into the Olympics is poorly spent. Sure, you can come back at me with the argument that funding for sports in Canada is low. But whatever amount spent is, to me, too much. Take that money and spend it on health care, or child care, or caring for the elderly or vulnerable.

I resent that my tax money is being spent on someone's dream to throw a ball of metal the farthest in the world or paddle a boat a few hundred metres the fastest. If your dream is to be the best gymnast in the world, then go get it, babycakes. But do not expect me to have to fund that dream. My dream is to live near the ocean and write novels. I do not expect the government to pay for that, even though there are grants. I do not believe in demanding the government to help you achieve your dream, whether it's the fastest biathlete or best selling author. The government should make sure there are hospital beds when you need one, or there is a pension available to you. The government should be working to provide the basic necessities of life to its citizens instead of allowing someone to be the best butterfly swimmer in the world.

So when I read that $40 BILLION dollars was spent on the Beijing Olympics, I gag. Imagine what that $40 billion could pay for in this world. Vaccines, food, shelter, education, relief from natural disasters, literacy... the list is endless. That money could be spent making this world a better place, instead of finding out who the best beach volleyball team is in the world. Because, really, who cares.

Patriotically Yours,

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