Friday, September 14, 2007

My Apologies

I have been very bad lately on posting. Between work and getting up at 5 am, and my fiance moving in, and life in general, I haven't taken the time to muse on important things such as Britney.

She licked, by the way. As if you had to wonder what I would think of her MTV fiasco. She was heinous. Byron said it best when he commented that she looked like she didn't rehearse.

When I have a moment to think, I will post something again. But you know how it is when the love of your life moves in... you have way better things to do than type.

Lovingly Yours,


Anonymous said...

What do you mean "moved in"?,This just can't be - it distinctly states in Miss Lucy Clayton's book of etiquette that a single "Miss" should have an accommodation if not with her immediate family, then an appropriate chaperone. Gentlemen callers could have their "pleasure" before 9:pm - oops pleasure of their company - I'm sure that's what Miss Brittany and Miss Paris do. Your Mother must be swaying with the thought of it.

Anonymous said...

I think my mom is kosher with my living arrangements now that I have a ring on my finger. If there was no ring, there would be much scolding.