Monday, January 14, 2008

Quietly Sad

UPDATE: My Nanna passed away late last night. Let me collect my thoughts and dry my tears. I'll post later.

Sorry for the lack of blogging lately. I have nothing of worth to say.

It's kind of sad these days in my world. My Nanna is dying. She's in St. John's and there is no way for me to see her before she leaves. But it's okay, though. She visited me the other night in my dreams and we said goodbye.

So all my musings about jerks at Starbucks, celebrity trainwrecks, and rants on airlines seem a bit useless right now.

Give me some time. I'll be back soon.

Silently Yours,


Megan said...


Glen said...

Sorry to hear about your Nanna.

I was grateful to have the opportunity to spend some time with my grandmother over the holidays and know how hard losing a grandmother can be.

My thoughts are with you.