Friday, May 30, 2008

Once a fan...


I just called into a radio station to try and win tickets to New Kids on the Block. What has become of me?!?!

When I was about 13-15, I was a huge NKOTB fan. My walls were covered in posters, I had the dolls, the tapes, the videos, the books. I knew volumes of facts about them, and considered myself to be a premium fan. It's kind of embarassing now, but in my defense, I also thought poufy bangs and pink glittery lips looked really good.

So imagine my glee when I heard they were reuniting. I saw their performance on the Today show in early May. I clapped and squealed at my desk at work while I watched it on YouTube. And then they announced they were coming to GM Place in Vancouver. Shut UP!!! Again, like George Michael, I don't think I can justify a few hundred bucks on one night in Vancouver. C'est la vie. When did I grow up?

Yesterday, a friend at work told me that a radio station has been giving away tickets all week. All you have to do is complete the lyrics. I rarely listen to this station, but I tuned in this morning and suffered through an hour + of crappy music. Yes, I realize the irony that I would suffer through crappy music to win tickets to see crappy music live.

Some airhead won the tickets. MY tickets. She said she was just a kid when NKOTB were popular but her older cousin liked them. I know there is no way she could complete the lyrics to "Cover Girl". I can. I know she googled them. I was robbed. She's not going because she's a fan, but going for the kooky irony of it all.

As the phone rang, I was instantly reminded of myself at 14 and how exited I would get at the mere thought of NKOTB. Back then, my hands would shake and my heart woud thump as I watched their videos on TV. Same thing here as I hoped the radio station would pick up my call. I wanted to squeal like I was 14 all over again.

Thankfully, my bangs are no longer poufy and I think pink glitter lip gloss is gross. But I will always dance to "Step by Step" and croon along with "Cover Girl".

Fanatically Yours,

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