Monday, July 21, 2008

Identity Crisis

I think I may be in the beginning stages of an identity crisis. I don't know what this blog is about.

I have been reading some other blogs, namely Megan's, and the Coconut Diaries, these guys, Glen, some girl in Rankin Inlet, Mack the Hack, Janet, among others. Each seems to have some coherent theme. They'll be waxing politcal, or telling fascinating tales, or listing ridiculous things, or talking about important things like law school, or adjusting to a new life, or planning an alternative wedding, or idolizing David Hasselhoff.

What do I do here? I prattle on about the wedding. Who cares? What am I going to write about on September 20th? I ramble about how amazing I think Byron is. Snooze - to anyone else but me. I make silly observations about silly phrases, and bitch about hippies. It all feels very... shallow. Am I supposed to come down with these thunderous observations that stop people in their tracks? God, I hope not. Am I supposed to regale you with tales of debauchery and failed attempts at being human? Because I fear they may become old quick.

Am I too shallow for this blog?

Agonizingly Yours,

1 comment:

Megan said...

Well, I often feel that I don't have a coherent theme. This really hit home when I decided I wanted to re-design the site but couldn't figure out what I'm really about. I don't REALLY want the Hoff in the header, for example. But it wouldn't feel right to lay it out like an old-school newspaper, either.

You'll find your way. We'll keep coming back.