Tuesday, February 5, 2008

1989? Really?

The big news in BC lately has been a report form the Vancouver Police Department saying they spend too much time dealing with mentally ill people. They say there needs to be better services for the mentally ill. Fine. Fair enough.

While watching TV last night, Byron and I saw a report on Global BC. This guy, Mike McCardell was, in a way, calling himself an expert on the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, since he has been covering stories in that area for decades. He showed clips of people completely off their rockers, and shook his head in shame. There was shot after shot of people staggering, blathering, passed out, shooting up, and the obligatory hooker-in-the-night-hitchhiking shot. If you watch the clip, you will see at the end that Mike claims there were no homeless in Vancouver before 1989.


Were there teddy bear hugs and sunshine kisses, too? Who is he kidding? There are and have been homeless people in every city and town since, well, we started living in abodes.

I wonder what catastrophic event took place in 1989 that brought the scourge of homelessness to the happy, candy-coated streets of Vancouver? Mike, any ideas? Or was that when you just pulled your head out of your ass?

Incredulously Yours,

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