Thursday, February 7, 2008

Green and Gross

I live in the hippiest, environmentally-friendly place in Canada. I have never seen such diligence when it comes to "green initiatives" (frig, I hate that phrase). My dad always had a compost pile when we were kids. Halifax was pretty forward when they brought out the Green Boxes years ago. When I lived in Yellowknife and Edmonton, there was no curbside recycling. My cans went out with my dirty kleenex. Imagine Byron's shock coming from Alberta to Victoria, land of blue boxes and all things green.

At work, they are even more guerilla-like. My garbage can at my desk is smaller than my lunch bag. Half the public kitchen is taken up by various recycling boxes, including a composting bin. There are campaigns to get us moving, eating less junk, and recycling all we possibly can. I can keep up. I will recycle all I can, eat more flax seeds and less brownies, and walk whenever possible. I do my part.

But someone has gone too far. Way too far.

Again, at work, there is a woman who insists on NOT flushing the toilet after she goes. Several times I have scurried into the bathroom, swung open the stall door, only to be greeted by a yellow pool. Blech. It grosses me out. I think it's rude and disgusting, and no one wants to look at let alone pee on someone else's waste. Save that for home! Some things, like farting, adjusting your bra, and not flushing are best kept for your own home.

Now, if there were logs laid and not flushed, I would start a riot and burn the place down. That is one of my biggest public bathroom nightmares.

All I ask is for some etiquette. I'll recycle every single can I open, if you'll just flush the toilet! Deal?

Compostingly Yours,


Anonymous said...

THAT is single handedly the most disgusting thing I have heard this morning. Actually, I have no doubt that it will be the nastiest thing I hear all day. Environment be damned, flush the frigging toilet after yourself, that is still proper etiquette people!!

Anonymous said...

I guess some folks believe that if it's yellow, it's best to let it mellow.

Megan said...


Anonymous said...

Love your picture!!

Anonymous said...

There is NOTHING wrong with lifting and separating in public, my friend.

P.S. If it's brown, flush it down.