Friday, April 11, 2008


I am thoroughly digusted with American Idol and refuse to watch ever again. I don't give a flying fig who wins this year, or ever again. That clap-trap of a show should be shut down. I am done.

When that wee snippet Ryan Seacrest announced that Michael Johns was voted off, I snapped. Something inside me died. Well, it was just the fan of American Idol in me that died. Byron took the brunt of my rantings and ravings last night. Carly blows and has gotten worse and seems unable to handle the competition as it gets stiffer. Syesha looks like a frog and annoys the snot out of me. I can't stand David Archuleta. He looks like some moony freak week after week and he is the lyrical equivalent of John Tesh. Blech. I was rooting for Michael Johns. Anyone who cites Neil Finn as a musical influence is okay by me. His version of "Across the Universe" was wonderful. He deserved to stay. Not that frigging Kristy Lee Cook. I can't even discuss her this morning without spatting bile.

My blood pressure is rising at the thought of this. Simon is dead to me. American Idol is dead to me. Be gone!

Disgustedly Yours,

1 comment:

Megan said...

Your wish has been granted. Well, at least the part that wanted Kristy Lee gone.