Thursday, April 17, 2008

Rolling for Nothing

So another season of Roll Up the Rim is over. It was a slim season, with only one win. ONE. Inconceivable.

I did some math. Please remember I failed grade 11 math, so don't take these stats to the bank. Byron and I go to Tim's about twice a week, and we get a large coffee each. This contest lasts about 8 weeks, so that's about 32 coffees. Add in the ill-conceived road trip to Edmonton and back, and the week when Byron worked nights and I brought him coffee every afternoon, the number of coffees (foolishly) purchased by us is around 45. That's an average of 5.625 coffees a week. I won 2.2% of the time. Poor stats, Tim's. I feel violated.

I won once. In a scuzzy Esso/Tim's in Kamloops, I bought my usual large and won a coffee. That's it. That's ridiculous.

At first, I thought the number of winning cups was low in the Victoria area just because this is NOT a Tim's town. There's only 14 in the whole city. In Dartmouth, there are 14 in a 5 kilometre radius of my parent's home. In Victoria, people like their Starbucks. They prefer to pay $4.21 for a venti coffee and blueberry soy muffin. At Tim's, Byron and I order 2 large coffees and two bagels with cream cheese for the same price. But I suppose at Starbucks, you pay for the "ambiance". Or you just like to be ripped off. Trust me, if there was a Tim's on my way to work, my Friday Starbucks treat would be a thing of the past.

Turns out, I am not the only one who feels monumentally tipped off by Tim's this year. I guess if I lived in Quebec, I might have won more than a coffee.

No matter how much we squawk about les Quebecois getting all the goodies, or how much of a rip this Roll Up the Rim hooey is, or our calls for a more fair contest, it'll all be for naught. Tim's knows they have Canadians by the short and curlies. We are gaga for it and, like an abusive partner, keep coming back for more. Once the RUTR season starts next year, you know we'll all be making extra long trips to the nearest Tim's for our chance at a cookie. Which, may I say, is THE chinziest prize of all time. A cookie? Why bother.

Rollingly Yours,

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