Thursday, March 27, 2008

What about the best?

There's a little mini-revolution going on. And while I have ignored it, chuckled at it, maybe even sniggered at the cleverness of it all... it is now starting to wear thin.

Why is Kristy Lee Cook still on American Idol?!

This voting for the worst nonsense is ridiculous. Sure, it's a lark to see the weakest performer be whisked from the edge of elimination. But when the sucky ones are "safe" and some other strong singers, like Jason Castro are in the bottom three, you've gone too far. Watching that quasi-cross eyed, tacky, future Penthouse centrefold giggle and skip over to the safe side last night nearly drove me over the edge.

STOP voting for Kristy Lee Cook! Stop it! I will take your phone/text privileges away! Seriously, America, can you look me in the eye and tell me, without snickering, that you think a bimbo named Kristy Lee can be an idol? Except in circle jerks. How can you vote for someone whose favourite quote is: "Rope it, ride it, wrestle it, cowgirl it." That just screams yeasty slut!

You have all proven your point. American Idol is a joke. Now spend those votes on contestants who are good. Better yet... how about spending your votes on the election in November?

It's official... Americans don't know how to vote.

Electorally Yours,

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

We made it

Byron and I are back home and safe after our marathon trip to Alberta this weekend. It took us 19 hours to get there, and two days to get home. We are weary and exhausted, but we survived. There were snappy moments - with other drivers, with each other. There was some road rage, some scary moments and some really fun times. I've never had such a good time on such a long drive before. Driving in a storm through the Rockies can make a gal cagey. But just when it got hairy and scary, Byron would make me laugh and it was fine again.

We got to see his family again. His aunt gave me some pictures of him as a kid and some family photos. His sister has all the family photos from his dad's house, and we don't have any pictures of his late mother, or him as a kid. He was cute as a button, by the way. Thanks to his aunt, we have lots of old photos.

We got the wedding things done. Flowers - ordered. Rehearsal dinner - planned. Wedding decorator - hired. I wish September 19th could come faster.

Byron finished his training yesterday to be a guard at the jail. He came in first in his class! I am so proud of him, my smart and lovely man!

I am now rambling, but have tales to tell later.

Befuddingly Yours,

Thursday, March 20, 2008


I hate smoking. Hypocritical of me, yes, since I was a very casual smoker many moons ago. And I do mean casual. But these days, I cannot stand the stank of smoke.

I shouldn't be too judgmental. My brother smokes, my dad smokes (even though he should not. Tsk tsk. He got cancer from smoking, and his oncologist said there's not much they can do for him when the cancer comes back if he does not quit smoking. Here's hoping the Zyban works, CLOM... but I digress).

Yesterday, walking out of a store, I ran into a woman who was literally one step away from the door, finishing her smoke. She looked right at me and blew out. Vile. Disgusting. And, may I say, rude. Which brings me to this.

I think smokers are rude. Let me count the ways.

I hate working with smokers who go for breaks every hour or so to feed their addiction. Everyone has an addiction of some sort, but the rest of us have the self-control not to indulge on someone else's time. Get back to your desk!

If you smoke, do not call me complaining about how broke you are. If you can spend around $10 a pack every day, then you are not broke. Try living off $10 for two weeks, then come talk to me. And if you have a family and are struggling with money, then grow a set and put your family first. Do not be a selfish ass and make sure you have cigarettes while your kids are eating boiled weiners again.

I hate walking behind a smoker. Yes, yes, it's the outdoors, but I still hate the smell. Standing at a crosswalk, having someone blow their skanky smoke in your face makes me gag. It's rude. There's no need to swing your head around like a sprinkler when smoking. Blech.

Do not be a jackass on where you're smoking. Don't puff in doorways, in wind alleys near doors, bus shelters, or any other enclosed space. If your roommate is sick, then do not chain smoke in the apartment. Or in a car with a non-smoker. I don't give a rip that you need your fix. It's the height of rudeness.

I could go on. And on. And on. But I think you get my point. Ewwww.

Judgmentally Yours,

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Stay Calm

I got a call from my mother yesterday afternoon. As I picked up the phone, I heard screeching. It was George. I couldn't tell if he was laughing or crying. Turns out he was crying and Hillie sounded exasperated. George would only settle if he was being held and walked. Hillie has MS and walking for a length of time is bad news. I felt bad for her, and wished I was there. But then my sympathy turned to laughter.

Hillie didn't call to vent or solicit sympathy. She had three kids of her own, she can handle a crying 3 month old. She was calling to deter me from getting pregnant in the next six months.

Our wedding is exactly six months from today. And in recent weeks, I have gotten weird calls from Hillie warning me not to get pregnant. She knows Byron and I want to start a family, but Byron and I have decided when would be a good time to try. And in the next six months is NOT in the cards.

Hillie called a couple weeks ago to share a nightmare she had. In the dream, I called her at 3am to tell her we were expecting. She lectured me in her dream. According to her, it was one of those dreams where, upon waking, you are convinced it really happened. I'm not sure if she was relaying her dream, or warning me to keep my eggs unfertilized. Byron and I got a good laugh from that one.

So from now until I am officially Mrs. Stuike, I will continue to get these calls from my mother, warning us to not get pregnant. Maybe she'll give it up at the T-minus 2 month mark, knowing I won't show. Probably not. Maybe to toy with her, we'll get her a shotgun for our wedding, and watch her lose her mind. Most likely not. I don't want to pick on the woman.

Unexpectedly Yours,

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Laying Plans

So Byron and I need to go to Edmonton this spring for some wedding things. We need to meet with the decorator, book the florist, and book the cake decorator. I think that's it for now. I think.

We've decided to drive there at Easter. Byron and I both work from 6am to 2pm that day, and we're leaving that evening. We'll pick up a rental car, and scoot out of here by 5pm. Pas de naps. Since I've been doing the early shift for so many months, I have the uncanny ability to be up at 5am and chug-a-lug along all day and into the night. Byron - not so much. We'll share the driving duties, but I am really excited to drive through the night and watch the dawn from the road.

Years ago, I drove to South Carolina from Halifax two weeks after I got my license. With the card still warm, I drove through morning rush-hour traffic in Boston. So hitting the mountainous roads of BC isn't that scary. I could be singing a different tune in a couple weeks, though.

So now my days are filled with lists. Lists of what to pack, what to bring, what to do while there, lists and lists and lists. Thankfully, Byron doesn't mind my listing habit. Good thing - I have a list of things for him to bring and do.

Plottingly Yours,

Thursday, March 6, 2008


It's been spring here for a while. The cherry trees are in full bloom and daffodils are everywhere. It's incredible.

The old ladies at my Curves were complaing the other day about the "long, bitter winter" this year. I almost fell off the step machine. Bitter winter? Was she kidding? When I got home and told Byron, we hooted with laughter. Coming from the land of -30 for days on end, this was a cake-walk of a winter.

When I moved to Yellowknife in June 2000, I remember my very first morning there. I listened to the radio and the announcer said the high that day would be 3 degrees. I shivered and when I got ready to go for a walk, I bundled up with a hat, scarf, mitts, the whole bit. As I stepped out of my building, I saw a guy pedal by on a 10-speed, wearing shorts and a tank top. Insanity! Well, I was there for a year, and the next May, my sister came up to Yellowknife for the summer. On a late May day, we stood at the airport waiting for a cab. It was about 3 degrees outside, and Jane stood on the sidewalk, teeth chattering, wondering if it would get warmer. I was stripping off my jacket and mitts as she spoke. The cold became relative.

So maybe next "winter", Byron and I will complain about the endless days of 3 degree weather.

The best part of spring, though, is the sunrise. I work 6am to 2pm, and I walk to work. I noticed this week that the sun rises on my way to work. I love an early morning sky.

Springingly Yours,