Thursday, March 6, 2008


It's been spring here for a while. The cherry trees are in full bloom and daffodils are everywhere. It's incredible.

The old ladies at my Curves were complaing the other day about the "long, bitter winter" this year. I almost fell off the step machine. Bitter winter? Was she kidding? When I got home and told Byron, we hooted with laughter. Coming from the land of -30 for days on end, this was a cake-walk of a winter.

When I moved to Yellowknife in June 2000, I remember my very first morning there. I listened to the radio and the announcer said the high that day would be 3 degrees. I shivered and when I got ready to go for a walk, I bundled up with a hat, scarf, mitts, the whole bit. As I stepped out of my building, I saw a guy pedal by on a 10-speed, wearing shorts and a tank top. Insanity! Well, I was there for a year, and the next May, my sister came up to Yellowknife for the summer. On a late May day, we stood at the airport waiting for a cab. It was about 3 degrees outside, and Jane stood on the sidewalk, teeth chattering, wondering if it would get warmer. I was stripping off my jacket and mitts as she spoke. The cold became relative.

So maybe next "winter", Byron and I will complain about the endless days of 3 degree weather.

The best part of spring, though, is the sunrise. I work 6am to 2pm, and I walk to work. I noticed this week that the sun rises on my way to work. I love an early morning sky.

Springingly Yours,


Anonymous said...

Is there a reason for the early start of 6:00 for work? Seems like cruel and unusual punishment to me.

Anonymous said...

It's my shift, and I love it. Some of us like to get up, get going, and get things done, you know.

Cassie said...

My neighbour has daffodil leaves poking up out of the ground.....signs that it is soon springtime in Oklahoma. I do have to say that good ole OK does spring right -- the redbud trees are seriously gorgeous.

The 100+ degree Fahrenheit summers, however, I'll never get used to!