Thursday, March 20, 2008


I hate smoking. Hypocritical of me, yes, since I was a very casual smoker many moons ago. And I do mean casual. But these days, I cannot stand the stank of smoke.

I shouldn't be too judgmental. My brother smokes, my dad smokes (even though he should not. Tsk tsk. He got cancer from smoking, and his oncologist said there's not much they can do for him when the cancer comes back if he does not quit smoking. Here's hoping the Zyban works, CLOM... but I digress).

Yesterday, walking out of a store, I ran into a woman who was literally one step away from the door, finishing her smoke. She looked right at me and blew out. Vile. Disgusting. And, may I say, rude. Which brings me to this.

I think smokers are rude. Let me count the ways.

I hate working with smokers who go for breaks every hour or so to feed their addiction. Everyone has an addiction of some sort, but the rest of us have the self-control not to indulge on someone else's time. Get back to your desk!

If you smoke, do not call me complaining about how broke you are. If you can spend around $10 a pack every day, then you are not broke. Try living off $10 for two weeks, then come talk to me. And if you have a family and are struggling with money, then grow a set and put your family first. Do not be a selfish ass and make sure you have cigarettes while your kids are eating boiled weiners again.

I hate walking behind a smoker. Yes, yes, it's the outdoors, but I still hate the smell. Standing at a crosswalk, having someone blow their skanky smoke in your face makes me gag. It's rude. There's no need to swing your head around like a sprinkler when smoking. Blech.

Do not be a jackass on where you're smoking. Don't puff in doorways, in wind alleys near doors, bus shelters, or any other enclosed space. If your roommate is sick, then do not chain smoke in the apartment. Or in a car with a non-smoker. I don't give a rip that you need your fix. It's the height of rudeness.

I could go on. And on. And on. But I think you get my point. Ewwww.

Judgmentally Yours,

1 comment:

Megan said...

I used to (sort of kind of) go out with a guy who would smoke at the bus stop. As the bus pulled up, he would take a long, loving drag, flick the butt away and board the bus, still holding his breath. Once inside, he would exhale all over the people in the front two rows.

Yeah, I could pick 'em.