Wednesday, March 26, 2008

We made it

Byron and I are back home and safe after our marathon trip to Alberta this weekend. It took us 19 hours to get there, and two days to get home. We are weary and exhausted, but we survived. There were snappy moments - with other drivers, with each other. There was some road rage, some scary moments and some really fun times. I've never had such a good time on such a long drive before. Driving in a storm through the Rockies can make a gal cagey. But just when it got hairy and scary, Byron would make me laugh and it was fine again.

We got to see his family again. His aunt gave me some pictures of him as a kid and some family photos. His sister has all the family photos from his dad's house, and we don't have any pictures of his late mother, or him as a kid. He was cute as a button, by the way. Thanks to his aunt, we have lots of old photos.

We got the wedding things done. Flowers - ordered. Rehearsal dinner - planned. Wedding decorator - hired. I wish September 19th could come faster.

Byron finished his training yesterday to be a guard at the jail. He came in first in his class! I am so proud of him, my smart and lovely man!

I am now rambling, but have tales to tell later.

Befuddingly Yours,

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