Thursday, March 27, 2008

What about the best?

There's a little mini-revolution going on. And while I have ignored it, chuckled at it, maybe even sniggered at the cleverness of it all... it is now starting to wear thin.

Why is Kristy Lee Cook still on American Idol?!

This voting for the worst nonsense is ridiculous. Sure, it's a lark to see the weakest performer be whisked from the edge of elimination. But when the sucky ones are "safe" and some other strong singers, like Jason Castro are in the bottom three, you've gone too far. Watching that quasi-cross eyed, tacky, future Penthouse centrefold giggle and skip over to the safe side last night nearly drove me over the edge.

STOP voting for Kristy Lee Cook! Stop it! I will take your phone/text privileges away! Seriously, America, can you look me in the eye and tell me, without snickering, that you think a bimbo named Kristy Lee can be an idol? Except in circle jerks. How can you vote for someone whose favourite quote is: "Rope it, ride it, wrestle it, cowgirl it." That just screams yeasty slut!

You have all proven your point. American Idol is a joke. Now spend those votes on contestants who are good. Better yet... how about spending your votes on the election in November?

It's official... Americans don't know how to vote.

Electorally Yours,

1 comment:

Cassie said...

It's true. if the whole hanging chad debacle in Florida wasn't an indication, then this is. I am ever so glad I am prohibited to vote by American law, it makes my life so much simpler!