Monday, December 25, 2006


To all those who know me, you know I can tell stories for hours about Blanche. Blanche is my parent's dog, a chihuahua pomeranian, to be precise. She is chubby and spoiled and she provides hours of mirth to this family. We like to dress her up, feed her weird things to see how she reacts, and play with her all day. Here are two photos from Christmas. The first, she is in a beautiful scarf I got from Stace (Thanks, Minga!).

The second photo takes some explaining.

All Christmas Day she has been particularly rambunctious. She has not stopped barking and begging for food all day. So when my mom and I were getting dinner ready, she almost got stepped on. We fed her baby aspirin to shut her up. I realize the SPCA wil barge our doors down soon for my admitting this. But she was annoying! This is an hour after her dosage and he eyes don't really focus anywhere.

I told you! Blanche is a phenomenon. PS: She's also lost a .8 of a pound in the last month, and she is more limber than ever before! Her new favourite hobby is self-cunnilingus, and she does this for hours. It's sick, really.


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