Friday, December 29, 2006

Old Friends and Memories

Ahhh! I just had the most lovely breakfast with an old pal, Becky. We met almost a decade ago when we both worked at Tim Horton's. We were the only two people there who were going to school, except for high school, so we bonded quickly. She's a lawyer now and is fabulous! Just being around her makes me happy! I love laughing at her tales and her take on life. And as I left her, not knowing when I would see her again, it made me sad a bit.

I think, nay I believe, when you meet someone as fabulous as Becky, you need to keep them in your life. If only for the gut-busting laughs. But I know she means so much more than that to me.

I have to go through my belongings now and figure out what I can bring back to Edmonton with me. My parents are downsizing and I have crap of mine stashed everywhere. I just found a box of "mementos" from high school. I don't know who half the stuff is from and why I kept it. Mementos, indeed. Trash!

I sifted through the four boxes of books in the front hall closet, and picked out 50 pounds worth to bring back with me. All those books! All those memories! All those hours spent savouring them! Now THOSE, my friends, are mementos. For almost all of them, I can tell you where I was when I got it, who I was with, and what year.

Must take Blanche for a walk to combat the nostalgia that's threatening to overcome me.

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