Friday, December 22, 2006

Bring Out the Best

It was potluck day at work. A Christmas one, no less. I loathe potlucks. My mother always tried to reassure me about potlucks, saying people only bring their best. I've been listening to people brag all week about the killer casserole they're bringing, or their brownies to die for. I look at them all with a raised eyebrow of suspicion.

This time last year, I was in Yellowknife, at another company and they loveloveloved potlucks. They would have a potluck for any reason. The solsitice, a baby, the removal of a hangnail. I will never forget the day someone brought in "tacos", and the meat was greasy and swimming in red sauce. I just puked a little in my mouth right now at the thought of it.

I understand the camraderie it promotes, and hells knows I love to carouse. But over a table full of slow cookers and shrimp rings is not fun to me. Perhaps it's my hesitance to eat in front of a large group of people, who knows.

It all reminds me of the time my sister and mother and I went to a mother-daughter potluck for Brownies. Someone brought lasagne with spinach in it and my sister and I started shreiking like we were being poisoned. Spinach in lasagne?! Were they mad?! My mother had to try and hush the shrieks, in case the chef was nearby. Although I am sure we made enough noise to be heard anywhere.

I din't start shreiking this year. I just left early for my desk and some peace and quiet.

Feliz Navidad


Stacey and Trevor said...

Sals, I remember your sausage canapes. I love those little things. You'd whip them up for Yellowknife soirees and I'd eat them before the guest arrived, much to your dismay. Keep on writing on, writing on. xoxo

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas, Sally! I so glad you are home!

solo polo said...

ha ha you missed the revolting meatballs you lucky person