Saturday, January 27, 2007

F*ck Neighbourly Love

I love my apartment. It's big and clean and bright. My landlord is wonderful. My neighbours are assholes. I live in a corner suite, so I have two neighbours. I've bitched about the midget to the side of me. I saw him in the hall this week and glowered at him. But I hate my neighbours above me. They're a couple and they love to blast their techno music. The bass drives me mad. I will be on my couch, happily daydreaming, when the bass boom-boom-booms into my head. Assholes, like I said.

I understand the loud music in the daytime, when you're doing housework. I like to slip in some Mandoza and vacuum. Good times.

I snapped today. Stacey was witness. I was on the phone with her when I threw a wall-eyed fit. I shreiked. I screamed. I almost cried. I have a good reason to act like that.

My building lost its heat last night. It was -15 last night, and with no heat, that's rough. Those who know me know I am a cranktastic bitch when I'm cold. I didn't sleep much, I was up early, I went to the gym, and I planned on napping. (I'm going dancing tonight and need to rest up) But the boom-boom bass made me see red. That, with the lack of sleep, sent me over the edge.

I wish I could move, but my place is cheap and big. It'd be a sin to leave such a big apartment on a tree lined street for some fools who don't understand neighbourly consideration. I just offer this warning... do NOT f*ck with a passive agressive. We'll get you good.

Must hatch revenge plans and nap.


Megan said...

Go to a butcher shop and get a big bottle of blood. Every day, leave a bowl of blood outside the neighbour's door.

I bet those guys will be out of there before you know it. And if they stick around, they'll be a lot quieter.

Anonymous said...

Blood? hmmm... can be done. How big a bowl am I aiming for here?

You are an evil genius.

Cin said...

You ARE an evil genius. Whoa.

If the blood doesn't work, call your local Mormons AND Jehovah's Witnesses and tell them you live in the jerks' apartment, and that you and your boyfriend would really appreciate a daily visit.
