Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Glittery Old Ladies

I want to be one!

I was at the bank this afternoon and I saw this old woman roll in, hanging desperately onto a Zellers shopping cart. She was sporting the most fantastic glittery glasses I have ever seen. I had to bow down to the fabulosity of them!

They were white.
They were plastic.
They were big.
They had rhinestones on the tops outer corners of them.
They looked like something Elton John would have worn in 1976.
I loved them.

I hope that when I'm old, I can be as eccentrically fabulous as that. I hope I can rock the rhinestone glasses and not give a damn who stares. I hope I can wear kicky sandals and flouncy scarves that make people wonder if I'm senile or not. Wouldn't that be fun? Which makes me wonder why I don't do that now. Oh yes, that's right! I have a job where I need to look respectable at all times. Maybe the abundance of pink in my wardrobe will hold me over until I can sport the senile-chic look.

Covetingly yous,

1 comment:

Megan said...

This comment is on behalf of Steve AND Megan (lucky you!). We adore your blog. Sometimes we sit around and chuckle. Other times we remind each other of funny posts from days of yore. ("Remember the midgets?" "Yes! Remember the dog?")

Please keep it up. We need you. In particular, Steve wants to hear more about midget sex. He can just leave me out of that.