Friday, February 16, 2007

The Rudest People on Earth!

It's a messy day here in Edmonton. It's warm out and the snow is melting. The streets are brown oceans of slush. And I am covered in it.

You see, I was at the bus stop this morning and several trucks splashed me and my co-riders. And they did it on purpose. I could see them coming, they inched closer to the curb and *splash*. The driving lane was at least a foot away from the curb so there was no need to come that close. I saw other drivers speed up when they saw people on the sidewalk, namely me! How hard-hearted! And they all drove trucks.

A few years back, in the spring when again, the road were slush, and I was walking to work. I'll never forget the vrooom of a big diesel truck coming up behind me and splashing me. I know for certain it was on purpose because he drove into the bus stop which was several feet off the road.. you know that dip off the road that leaves enough room for a bus to pull into. It's the length and width of one bus. I can't think of the name, I digress... But this loser sped up, roared into that ditch and soaked me! I had brown slush in my hair! And I didn't even make it into work yet!

I don't remember anything like this happening with such abandon in the other places I've lived in Canada. Only in Alberta. Is this the Alberta Advantage... living and sharing the city streets with total assholes? Assholes with small penises and big trucks? Now I'm homesick for polite drivers and clean pants.

Filthily Yours,

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