Friday, May 25, 2007

Know When to Hold 'Em

If there is one thing I have learned over the past couple of years, it's what battle to fight. Before, I would drop the gloves and fight over things I had no control over or business being involved in. Now, at 31, I am learning which battles to pick. Or am I...?

Several things have been brought to my "attention" lately when someone thinks I messed up. When I do mess up, I'd like to think I stick my hand (and neck) out. But in most of these recent cases, I am being criticized for things I have no control over or involvement in. I don't understand why I'm being chastized for a grown man not showing up to an event. Or why my knuckles are rapped when a stranger doesn't respond to an email. This is when I think I should stand up and throw the gloves off.

But I don't.

Instead, I wait. For what, I am not sure. Perhaps a better battle field? In the meantime, my knuckles are bloodied, my brow beaten, and my spirit crushed for no good reason.

I am afraid, though, that one of these days, I am going to get called on the carpet for something I have no invovlement in, and I will lose it. And I mean wall-eyed fit, riot-starting, throat-grabbing lose it. It won't be pretty and I'll probably lose my job. But I guarantee I'll feel a million times better!

I need to find a happy medium.

Straddlingly Yours,

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