Friday, April 20, 2007

Under Pressure

I have weathered several queries about my single status lately. I am on Facebook and am harbouring a nasty addiction to it, and when contact is made with old friends, the question invariably comes up. "Are you married?" Or my personal favourite, "Why are you still single?"

My creative flair flares up and I want to make up some cockamamie tale of widowhood or divorce or a marriage to a criminal. But I just sigh and give the usual pat answers.

My sister got married last summer and it was a lovely ceremony. But throughout the reception, at least 10 different women came up to me and offered their advice and condolences. I would be dancing and a strange woman would grab my arm and with tears welling in her eyes tell me "It's okay, dear, your time will come." At first I was confused. Who was she and what am I waiting for? But as more and more women came up and offered similar advice, I realized they pitied me for being single. Turns out my mother, who was in South Africa for a month and a half before I got there, went all Pimpalicious on me and tried to set me up with any man under the age of 40. She asked these women about sons, grandsons, nephews, cousins, neighbours, anything with a penis that she could introduce me to when I arrived. Up until then, my mother had been very good about having a single daughter. Now she dispenses Dr. Phil's dating advice. As if I will listen to dating advice from a balding middle-aged man.

My nanna, on the other hand, has always questioned me. Years ago, she came from Newfoundland for my graduation from Saint Mary's. She grabbed my arm one afternoon and asked me if I liked boys. My 82 year old nanna was wondering about my sexuality! When I came back from Abu Dhabi last week, I called her. Her first question was "Did you meet any men over there?" Apparently, I was on a husband hunting tour. When I said no, she informed me it's time that I "settle down and take a man's name". I kid you not. Those were her exact words.

I am not dating anyone. I haven't met any decent men to spend a considerable amount of time with. I will not marry for the sake of marrying. I would love to meet someone and settle down and take their name. I would love to get married and have babies. I just haven't met anyone worth doing that with yet.

Are your questions answered now?



Stacey and Trevor said...

You should be praised, not scorned, for waiting for the right man. Good for you for refusing to settle for anything less than you deserve.

Cin said...

All those hussies should mind their own freakin' business.

Time to quote Bridget at them!

Gee, I might be a Smug Married, but even I'm not that smug!

As for babies.... your Isaac is up for rent (just until he is out of the terrible twos). You always said he was the only baby you ever liked. Want to have an itty-bitty live-in boyfriend? ;-)

Megan said...

whaaa -- ???

I thought WE were dating!