Monday, April 30, 2007

Quelle Weekend!

I have been going through a bit of a hibernation phase lately. When I was in Yellowknife, and even when I lived here before, I was a bit of a party animal. I loved the bars, I loved going dancing, and my weekends included copious amounts of eye makeup and alcohol. Not so much anymore. I am quite content to spend my weekends doing errands and chores and relaxing at home. Sadly, that often icludes doing that by myself. But that's another post.

This weekend, though, that was tossed out the window. I had visits from two, count 'em TWO old friends! Glen came in on Friday night on his way back to Yellowknife. We caught up, went for dinner, watched the Devil Wears Prada, and lounged. Time with him always includes good conversation and incredible laughs. And lately, it also includes gleeful squealing over the Police concert. 33 more sleeps! And I promise, you have Sting's leg. I'll fend Trudy off for you.

On Saturday, I went out with Becky. Well, we went to lunch on Friday, which was an ansolute delight. I've prattled on about her before when I saw her at Christmas. She's one of those friends who you can pick up where you left off when you see her again. Plus, she's the funniest person I know. She has coined phrases used in my vocabulary such as "PWT". We went to a comedy club with four other people, including her youngest brother, and they were all couples. We joked that we looked like a lesbian couple. I haven't had so much fun out in a long, long time.

It was a great weekend, albeit tiring since that was the most excitement I have seen in a while. But it got me thinking. I have been here more than a year, and a roaring good time only happens when friends from out of town visit? That's horseshit! I need to make friends. I think my couch and I have to part ways on the weekends. I can do without the copious amounts of booze, but I am sure my eye makeup would like a workout again.

Must strategize...

Plottingly Yours,

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