Friday, March 16, 2007

I am Jealous, but also in Awe

I love Radar magazine. I mourned the day they announced they were folding. I squealed with glee when they brought out the online version. I did a High Kick of Happiness (TM) when I read they were publishing again. The magazine is smart, fresh and incredibly funny.

Yet I am jealous.

I love to read the Review section online every morning. There is some facet of pop culture that a writer takes on. It might be a new singer, an old singer, khaki pants, a tv show, or, in today's case, a video game. As I read, I hear my own voice in those words. And on the mornings when I giggle at the Review, I also rage inside. I wonder why I'm not doing that for a living. To get paid to write about the insane and silly world of pop culture for a living, SHUT UP! That is a fantasy of mine. I could do it. I know I could.

I suppose I could use this blog for my own little Radar Reviews. But that is so overdone, in my opinion. Plus, I wouldn't be getting paid like I would if I wrote for Radar. Perhaps if I label this post as "Radar Magazine" and "jobs", some angel of mercy will find me. Or maybe I should stop whinging about it and submit myself to an editor. I have ideas, yes I do, I just need to share them with someone other than the five people who know about this blog.

Covetingly Yours,

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