Monday, March 19, 2007

The Stand Up Artist

I was stood up for a casino this weekend. A CASINO!!! I was supposed to go to dinner on Saturday night with someone I dated for the briefest moments of time, and I was really looking forward to it. At 8pm, dizzy as a bat from hunger, I called him to see what's going on. As soon as he answered, I could tell he was distracted. He was at the Casino. He said he'd call later and he never did.

That was the second time that day I was stood up. A friend from work was supposed to come by and fix my computer. But he "got a better offer" (his words, I swear) and didn't come at all. I am paying mondo bucks tonight to have a professional come to my home and fix my computer.

What is it about me that screams "stand me up!"? Do my pheromones tell others that I love making plans with someone only to be ignored at our meeting time? What gives?!?! I cannot tell you how many times in recent months I have been stood up. It's a shocking number for one person to endure. It's disheartening and defeating, and I am this close to declaring hermit status.

Do I smell? Am I mean? Am I socially retarded? WHAT is it about me that attracts people who are stander-uppers!?! I am at a loss...

I am Lonely,

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