Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sweet Jesus

I leave for Abu Dhabi in a week, and I am sick. Not the sniffles or a tummy ache, but the flu. I am dizzy as a bat and climbing into bed is a chore when your legs feel like cement. I don't even have an appetite, which is the clearest sign I am not well. I went home yesterday and crawled from my bed to couch all afternoon. Dammit!

I couldn't even go to Story Slam last night, which I love going to and reading at. On Story Slam days (3rd Wednesday of every month), I usually write my story to read that night on my lunch break. I have an idea or two floating in my head, and the first paragraph comes to me as I walk around town. But yesterday, I was a mess and couldn't write my own name, let alone a short story! As I lay in bed shivering, my heart was at Story Slam. I'm also starting a Writers Circle with some other writers from there.

This better clear up before I fly out next week. You hear me, flu bugs!? You have seven days to shape up and ship out. You are NOT coming to Abu Dhabi with me!

Phlegmingly Yours,

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